Al-Azhar calls on the Arab and Muslim nations to boycott Dutch and Swedish products in support of the Holy Qur’ān

On a statement published today, al-Azhar called on all Arab and Muslim nations to participate in worldwide boycott of Swedish and Dutch products, in support of the Holy Qur’ān.

This call comes in response to two incidents in which far-right extremists have desecrated and burnt a copy of the Holy Qur’ān, with the permission and protection from the authorities.

The two incidents caused international tension and condemnations from many countries and international orgaisations.

Muslim Minorities Monitro released a statement condemning the Swedish and Dutch authorities for sponsoring and protecting such provocative acts, and calling for crminilisation of Islamophobia and desecration of religious sanctiites.

The full statement of al-Azhar is as follows:

  Al-Azhar Al-Sharif calls on the Arab and Muslim peoples to boycott all Dutch and Swedish products and take a strong and unified stance in support of our Noble Quran, Muslims’ Sacred Scripture. The boycott is a proper reaction to the acts of the governments of Sweden and the Netherlands, which have offended 1.5 billion Muslims around the world, as they have gone to excess in guarding the mean and barbaric crimes perpetrated under the specious inhumane and immoral banner of their so-called “freedom of expression,” which they should better call it “the dictatorship of chaos and evil manners and aggressiveness against civilized nations clinging to Allah and the Divine Guidance”.
Al-Azhar Al-Sharif also stresses the necessity that all Arab and Muslim peoples should adhere to this boycott and enlighten children, youth, and women about it. “They should know that any disinclination to participate (in this boycott) is a failure to support the religion chosen for them by Allah,” said Al-Azhar. Besides, these deviants will never appreciate the value of the religion – about which they know nothing and which they provoke its followers through mocking it – or be deterred unless they face the challenging material, monetary and economic necessities – the only language they know. They venerate nothing but the laws of wealth, production, and consumption. True is the Qur’anic verse that read, “They know what is apparent of the worldly life, but they, of the Hereafter, are unaware.”

– Al-Azhar Al-Sharif

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