Muslim Minorities Monitor Rejects Shawcross’ Review of “Prevent” and Calls for Involvement of Muslim-led Civil Society Organisations in Reviewing “Prevent”

Press Statement - Muslim Minorities Monitor

On February 8th, the Independent Review of Prevent by William Shawcross was published. Muslim Minorities Monitor carefully reviewed his report, and emphasises the following:

  • Muslim Minorities Monitor rejects the content of the “Independent Review” in general, and criticise it strongly, as it is prejudiced against Muslims and shows recognisable bias.
  • Shawcross’ history of anti-Muslim propaganda and Islamophobic statements have put the integrity of this “independent review” into question and should have excluded him from any involvement in this review.
  • Combatting extremism is an essential duty upon all, but it is a duty that cannot be carried out if one party is deliberately neglecting and ignoring the rights of a minority group. Such policies can only fuel extremism and worsen the problem.
  • Prevent is a counter-terrorism strategy that impacts the Muslim minority in the United Kingdom greatly. Therefore, the involvement of Muslim community leaders and Muslim-led civil society organisations is essential to the success of this strategy, through a partnership with the Muslim community.
  • We call upon all Muslim-led organisations in the UK to unite and draw a joint statement, unifying the position of all British Muslims, and presenting it to the Government to act upon it.


Released by
Rights Monitor
Muslim Minorities Monitor
Monday 13 Feb. 2023

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