Jamiatul Ulama South Africa 100 years serving the Muslim Community in South Africa

From a small organisation mainly focussed on Islamic education in South Africa to one of the largest and most influential organisations in the country. Its activities was not limited to the issues of South African Muslims only, rather, it has become more active with international issues, such as the Palestinian conflict.

Jamiatul Ulama South Africa (Council of Muslim Theologians) is celebrating this year a century of service and leadership in South Africa.

The organisation Which takes from Johannesburg, South Africa a home for its head office, was first established in 1923 for the purpose of serving the religious needs of the Muslims by a group of Muslim Scholars.

Years later, the organisation grew, and with it grew its responsibilities and field of activities, with a vision “to become a relevant, cohesive, competent and professional service provider for the diverse segments of the Muslim community.”

In a statement released today: “JUSA expresses gratitude to Allah, the Almighty, for making it possible for such an organization to exist and serve for so many years in South Africa, where it has strived to represent, lead and guide a significant proportion of the Muslim community in their socio-religious affairs.

As part of the commemorative events marking the 100 years of establishment, JUSA is launching a series of events that will among others, pay tribute to the founding Ulama, their pioneering work and all those who dedicated their lives, in serving the Ummah through the Ulama body. We ask Allah to accept their services and efforts.”

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